Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter 2012

Easter was beautiful.  The weather was perfect. The flowers are magnificent. The food was abundant.  And being together with the entire family at church was just so sweet.

The Easter Blake has the FBCLS Easter Egg Hunt!

Church was especially interesting this year because Pastor Kevin's 'Walk through the Old Testament' focused on the prophet Isaiah this week. Kevin decided to so things a little big different....not only did he preach out of the book of Isaiah. He became Isaiah! One of the most riveting Sunday sermons we've had. He walked in looking like an old man, singing in Hebrew. He sat down amongst some 'rocks' for the entire sermon, and spoke with a very strange (african? island? hebrew?) accent. A very different Easter service, indeed.

After church we all had our picture made in front of the beautiful flowered cross...
The amazing foot-less McMichen family.

And we attempted the traditional torture session of photos with the boys after church. Every year it's the same - like working with rabid monkeys.  Not a happy pose or cooperative body in the bunch.  So much for great family pictures.   Moving on....

And some silly photos at Ma's...

I don't usually like pictures of me. I'm just self conscious and would rather TAKE pictures than be in pictures.... but I gotta say, this picture came out pretty stinkin' cute!  I like it!

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Jean's Quilt

In November a friend from church asked me if I could make a quilt for his dear wife's Christmas.  There was no way  I could get it done by Christmas, but despite LOTS of set backs (multiple deaths in the family, getting sick with the crud, Riley's sudden illness & loss, and just trying to live,breathe, work, and be a wife & mom...)  I did get it done before Easter....and Jean loves it!

I kept the design pretty simple ~  9-Patches alternating with a plain block, all large 15" blocks.   Heres the progress from beginning to end....

9-Patch blocks

Blocks rows ready to be sewn together. (Ignore the Neanderthal feet peeking out.)

Finished - but no borders yet... but its alreay BIG!

I just had inches to go, but....

only this much thread! 
(I made it, with a few inches of thread to spare. Whew!)

Corner blocks & a little bit of the border.

My faithful helper Riley was always underfoot whenever I sew.
He was with me for most of this project....I still miss him so much.

Border stencil

Border whirls & swirls all quilted.
I think this was my favorite part of this quilt.

Swirls where quilted onto all the plan blocks.

Thats a lotta quilt to wrestle with!

FINISHED April 1, 2012!

Spring Flowers & Critters from around the yard...

"I've got thistle....what do you have?"

Mr.Turkey strolled across Ma's yard calling out to all the lady turkeys that he was big, bad, available, and the most handsome in all the woods.


Our iris bed is full this year

Dandelion Against the Sky

Pink Dogwood



My birthday geraniums

pink bush honeysuckle


Orange Honeysuckle bush

Ma's alazeas are particularly pretty this year.

Blake's first 4-leaf clover of the year.


Bumble-y-bee on the Blueberry blossoms

Apple Blossoms
