Friday, January 11, 2013

Finishing out 2012 and Jumping into 2013

2012 was yet another challenging year, but we made it through with no major blood or guts.  (That's one of our silly mottos - "no blood or guts? Then it's been a good day!"

After Christmas the boys had to get ready to go on Winter Retreat with the Youth to West Virginia. WAHOO!!!   They met at the church on New Years Eve for a lock-in, but prior to that we had a little fun at Ma's with the sparklers....

Hmmm ~ I think Ian needs a light...
They were not trying to spell LOL...

or SOO
or Coo
YES - they wrote IAN    and then....
they wrote 'Poo'.   *sigh* Boys!
With both boys gone for most of the week, Blake & I had a wonderful quiet week.  We didn't have to listen to ANY video game or movie explosions, gun fire or strange noises coming from our living room.  As a matter of fact, the tv in the LR wasn't even on the entire time they were gone!   Ah, bliss.

On Jan.3rd Blake & I decided to take a road trip....with no kids, we could go anywhere we wanted to without any whining, moaning or complaining 'Are we there yet???"  from the backseat.   We debated taking Murphy - I didn't want ANY responsiblilites, but Blake talked me into taking the wee Beastie.  So off we went.... all around NE Alabama - Little River Canyon, DeSoto Falls, lunch at an 'interesting' little mexican restaurant in Fort Payne.  (Blake swears the 'beef fajitas were made from goat!") From there, we took unplanned jaunt over to the Unclaimed Baggage Center in Scottsboro AL where I scored an awesome Kindle 3 at a GREAT bargain price. Wahoo!!!  Then we started back towards GA with a stop at Cloudland Canyon.  It was a cold dreary day - but who cares. It was great!  
Here's a few pictures....

TRYING to take pictures with a remote....
but Murphy thinks its a treat to eat!
(DeSoto Falls, Little River Canyon)
Blake at Little River Canyon.

Cloudland Canyon - there is always SOMEONE in the group
 who can't or won't stay on the trail.... MURPHY!

Donna & Murphy at Cloudland Canyon
DeSoto Falls, Little River Canyon AL
Maybe one day Murphy will learn to pose for pictures!

The neanderthals returned from their trip on Friday, Jan 4th. They both had a fantastic time.
(Hopefully I'll have more pictures from some of the folks who went on the trip soon.)

I THINK they were glad to see me...but then again, I think they were hoping for BBQ.
Acting like a Goober...and almost knocked me flat!
Mr. Cool
U-Turn Student Ministry Winter Retreat 2013
Meanwhile back to 'normal' at home...
What happens when someone gets
a red blanket for Christmas....
He becomes Chigger Man! 
Super hero of the South!
and meet his faithful sidekick...
Offer Murphy some hot sauce, and THIS was his reaction!
Murphy looks worried....
That elusive 'red bug' (laser light) is pestering him again!
Murphy ( 9 months) trying to master the art & skill of catching a frizbee.... he has NO grace, and thinks he has thumbs.
Just chillin'

Yes, we are VERY silly...but loveable anyway.